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    University of Sydney 結果共2筆

  • Fatal falls, drownings in selfie craze, study warns

    Learn about a new study from the University of New South Wales that reveals a grim trend: 400 people worldwide have lost their lives while taking selfies between 2008 and 2021, with young women aged 22 being the most affected demographic. The research classifies selfie-related incidents as a "public health hazard," a sentiment echoed by Samuel Cornell of the University of Sydney. Falls from elevated locations and accidents at waterfronts are the leading causes of selfie-related injuries and fatalities. Smartphones are identified as a prime contributor to these risks, with 80% of selfie-related deaths being tourists, predominantly female. Instances of drowning and fatal falls have been reported in India, the U.S., and Australia. This data serves as a cautionary reminder of the unintended consequences of our increasingly digital lives.
    2023/12/04 14:01
  • 做家事降罹癌風險!研究證實「機率少18%」:體力活最有效

    癌症作為最可怕的疾病之一,對人的影響之嚴重可謂無庸置疑,各國醫療領域的專家學者也不斷在鑽研,尋找在與病魔共存的同時,更能有效根治病症的方法;如今澳洲雪梨大學(University of Sydney)最新研究發現,「做家事」或許就是一大解方。
    2023/07/31 05:30
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